Friday, August 5, 2022

Air Pollution, Take Action

Module 5 Blog Post:

Part 1:

Hello all, thank you for reading follow this blog to stay informed about air pollution and how it affects our environment in severe ways. “9 out of 10 people in the world breath polluted air” (UN Environment Programme, n.d.).

Many of our current environmental issues seem hopeless. However, specific actions could help us continue fighting for healthy air quality, and it can be done one step at a time.

Some governmental institutions are encouraging their constituents to find ways to help our environment, and they are worth trying.

Texas is not a very walkable state, but there are certain times when walking can be an option instead of using our cars. If friends live a few blocks away, take a walk to visit them. Study routes around your house to see what activities you can walk to or use public transportation. Organize and reduce errands into one trip or look into carpool options. Give well-maintenance to your vehicle, or if looking for a new car, try to find more eco options if possible.

At home, turn the lights off when you leave the room, recycle paper, plastic, metals, and organic materials, try to eat locally, and support farmers' markets. There are sustainable sources made out of bamboo and hemp, use less plastic, plant trees, bring lunch to work, turn off office equipment, and many other conscious actions (California Air Resources Board, 2022). Believe it or not, individual actions make a difference.

Let’s take action! Institutions fighting against air pollution encourage the world population to call for action. Governments and organizations can unify to help prevent air pollution from damaging our environment. Some of these international organizations are the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Bank, Climate and Clean Air Coalition, UNEP, and the UN General Assembly. These organizations are creating awareness and declared September 7th the International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies. In addition, there are hashtags used in social media to continue spreading awareness worldwide: # CleanAirForAll, #BeatAirPollution, and #WorldCleanAirDay, to mention a few (UN Environment Programme, n.d.).

As previously mentioned, the efforts done by an organization such as the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) progress are now in danger. This situation is happening because the United States Supreme Court has restricted the EPA's authority to regulate and mandate carbon emissions reductions on June 30, 2022 (Supreme Court of the United States, 2022).

We the People, have the power to make a difference and put pressure on institutions such as the Supreme Court. Individual conscious actions and being vocal can help keep our air clean.

Lastly, do not forget to support local organizations and campaigns such as GAF’s Gotta Go! in West Dallas to support our air quality and vulnerable populations. The community created this organization to fight decades of neglect and abuse (GAF’s Gotta Go, 2022). These communities deserve social justice too. 

Useful websites:

(Click each picture to have access to links)

Please make sure to watch my video below to conclude this topic by encouraging you to take action. Please help us save the planet! 

Part 2: 

Note: Please excuse the background noise. I live very close to Downtown Dallas and traffic is very loud.

Discussion Prompt: What actions are you currently taking or are planning to take to protect our air?


California Air Resources Board. (2022). Simple Solutions to Help Reduce Air Pollution. Retrieved August 4, 2022, from

GAF’s Gotta Go. (2022, May). GAF’s GOTTA GO: THE CASE FOR CITY AMORTIZATION. Retrieved August 4, 2022, from

Supreme Court of the United States. (2022, June 30). WEST VIRGINIA ET AL. v. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY ET AL. Retrieved July 17, 2022, from

UN Environment Programme. (n.d.). Actions to #ClearTheAir. Retrieved August 4, 2022, from


  1. Hello, Paola

    I do think it depends on where you live for it to be “walkable” like in Austin, where a lot of people do walk everywhere but then again there are lots of cars everywhere. I know back in the day, my friends and I would carpool everywhere to help with saving gas and essentially saving the environment even though it was such a little thing. If everyone did such a little thing, I know it could add up. It seems in today's age, there are newer cars with more eco-friendly options, which is a good thing, especially with today's gas prices. I didn’t know the U.S Supreme Court just restricted the regulation of carbon emissions just now. The question is, why would they even do such a thing? I do like the way you used pictures to have the links to the website, very creative. I like that you used a lot of related pictures for your video. I do think that if you have certain slides for what you talk about, it can help with organizing it instead of letting it play over and over again. I do live near a coffee shop also, where I can walk instead of taking a car just like you said. I do wish that they would build bigger sidewalks or provide more to help with walking safely. The action I’m currently taking is still carpooling as much as possible. I do have a newer vehicle which helps with eco-friendly mode. Overall, great job Paola! Thanks for all the information about air pollution.

    1. Hello Linda,
      Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog.
      Yes, nowadays have become more challenging to do simple things such as walking. Some Texas areas have become so congested that it is no longer safe. Purchasing more eco-friendly cars is another way to protect our environment. Small actions make a difference.
      I think this can be more about supply and demand; if the communities start requesting more walkable areas, the government can start adjusting to it. For example, certain areas and neighborhoods in Dallas are now building more sidewalks and bicycle lines to encourage people to use other ways of transportation. It may take a while to see more people using those amenities, but at least they are becoming more available.
      Yes, the U.S. Supreme Court is making bizarre decisions for not a good apparent reason. That is why we must stay informed.
      I hope you were able to learn some helpful information from my blog.

  2. Hello Paola, this has been a phenomenal and eye-opening research to inform us about air pollution. I feel like my actions are very tiny compared to the scale of this issue. I try my best to use minimal electricity and water. I make an effort to recycle and go to local farmer's market on Sundays. But I would like to do more, for example try walking to short-distance places instead of taking my car. Thank you for posting these posts and increasing awareness.

    1. Hello Sumera,
      Thank you for taking the time to read my blogs, and I am glad this was somehow informational to you! It is nice to see how we have created awareness among ourselves, and hopefully, we can be more conscious about our actions after this class.
      Do not ever think that you are doing very minimal; I honestly think that every action counts, no matter how small it may seem. Consciousness and awareness are a good start to start tackling environmental issues.

  3. Hello Paola, Air pollution has been a huge global problem as well. Using more Electronic Vehicles can control air pollution as most of the gas producing vehicles will be reduced. Organizing and reducing errands into one trip or look into carpool options. Giving well-maintenance to your vehicle, or if looking for a new car, try to find more eco options if possible. But if it was to me I would have chose to go with EVs which will protect the air from being polluted.

    1. Hello Anil,
      Thank you for taking the time to read my blog! Yes, air pollution is a global matter, and some places are worse than others. The good thing is that we still have time to better our air quality. We can start with ourselves and encourage consciousness at home with our family, friends, and community members. In addition, we have knowledgeable organizations that can provide us with the information and resources to help with this environmental issue.

  4. Hi Paola. Your posts were very informative. I plan to walk when possible, carpool more and continue to advocate for the cause. I currently take my lunch to work almost daily using a reusable lunch box and a storage container. I recycle as much as possible as well. Thank you for the information and the video. Great job.

    1. Hello Sophia! Thank you for taking the time to read my blogs, and thank you for doing your part to save our air. You're actions really make a difference.


Air Pollution, Take Action

Module 5 Blog Post: Part 1: Hello all, thank you for reading follow this blog to stay informed about air pollution and how it affects our en...